10 Ghost Installation Tricks Experts Recommend

How to Set Up a Ghost Installation Ghost is a brand new CMS that is specifically designed for writers and bloggers. It comes with unique features that distinguish it from other CMS solutions like WordPress. Ghost is simple to install and configure in production. In this article we will use ghost-CLI, an application for command line to setup and deploy Ghost quickly and easily. Installing Ghost Ghost is an open-source blogging platform that provides a beautiful interface for publishing and creating content. It was designed as a non-profit project after an appeal for crowdfunding and is available without any licensing restrictions. It has been adopted by many developers around the world and has a huge community to support it. It is a speedy light, responsive, and lightweight CMS that works well on all kinds of devices. To install Ghost, follow the steps below: First, log in to your droplet using SSH and change the prompt for your user to # (it should be the only thing on your screen). This will inform your terminal where it's installing the software. After that, run the command node -v to verify that it is installed correctly. After a short time, Ghost will ask you to enter your blog URL. It's best to enter it before you've set up your domain and made your blog public. This will give you a chance to test out your blog and correct any issues before putting it public. Enter to start the installation. It could take a couple of minutes to complete. If asked for your hostname, use (using the default will cause Ghost to use an IPv6 address, which could lead to ECONNREFUSED error later on). If you are asked if it is your intention to install Systemd you should answer by saying. This will configure Nginx to host your Ghost blog. It will redirect requests from port 80 to the port that Ghost is running on, and it will add a layer of indirection for your visitors so they don't need to add :2368 to the end of the address. It will also assign the proper HTTP headers to allow you to see the IP addresses of your visitors in Ghost logs. You'll also have to add a database user for Ghost. Create a user called ghostuser with a suitable name and a secure password and then add it the sudoers group so that it can execute sudo commands. After doing this, su – ghostuser to start a login shell for the user named ghostuser. Installing Nginx Nginx can be used as a webserver that serves static content. It can also be used as a reverse proxy, and to connect to FastCGI applications. It is a more lightweight alternative to Apache that can offer better performance and less memory footprint. The configuration files for Nginx can be reloaded without the need to shutdown and re-start. This is done by sending an indication to the master process, which checks the syntax of the new configuration file and then applies any modifications. It also sends an alert to older worker processes, asking them to cease accepting new connections and continue servicing existing ones. To create a configuration file for Nginx, open the “/etc/nginx/sites-available/” directory and then create a symbolic link to the file you want to use in the “/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/” directory. The symbolic links, or symlinks will be used to track which of the Nginx server blocks are enabled. This allows your nginx to respond to requests from your domain and default site. The nginx syntax is very flexible. It can be configured to do a variety of things, including allowing SSL connections or setting up reverse proxy servers, among other things. Visit the official Nginx Documentation for more information. Nginx unlike Apache, uses an event-driven Asynchronous Connection Handling algorithm instead of creating new processes for each request. This makes it more efficient for sites that receive a lot of traffic. It can be set to store static pages on your site. This can increase the speed of your website. Nginx can be utilized as a reverse proxy which routes clients' (e.g. web browser) requests to other servers. This can be helpful to balance load, speeding up websites, and also providing additional security. Once the Nginx server is up and running you can confirm that it is accepting HTTP requests by using a tool like nginx-stat or looking at the logs in the “/var/log/nginx/” directory on your Ubuntu machine. This will reveal any errors that might be happening. You can also make use of the systemctl command to start and stop Nginx. To accomplish this, type the following: Configuring Ghost Once Ghost is installed, you can begin using it to publish blogs. Themes let you customize the appearance and design of your site. There are a range of themes available on Ghost, from simple to complex. Some are free, and others are paid. Whatever theme you pick, it's important to keep in mind that Ghost is a simple blogging platform, and not suited for more complex pages like landing pages or e-commerce websites. You can set up Ghost so that it uses an SMTP email server to send newsletters and notifications. ghost immobiliser installer is important to ensure that your subscribers get emails from you and don't miss any messages. Ghost is compatible with many reputable SMTP providers. It is important to remember that you will need an additional login and password to use SMTP compared to your Ghost account. Make sure you write down your SMTP details or save them in a secure location. You can override Ghost’s default behavior using an individual configuration file that you can customize it to meet your requirements. You can make use of the ghost-cli command to create an individual configuration file. There are certain settings that are required and several others that are not required. You can include a Redis caching adapter to Ghost to let it store data in memory instead of in the database. This reduces response time by not having to pull data from the database every time a page renders. This is especially useful for websites with high load and complex templates that need a lot of helpers. The command ghost-cli cache-adapter adapter> —configure_cache( adapter>) will configure the cache adapter and determine the size of the cache. You can also change the name of the cache which is displayed in the admin panel. Ghost must be kept up-to-date to function properly and remain secure. Ghost releases new versions of its software frequently. You can find out more information on how to upgrade the application on the official website. Backup your files and data before upgrading to a newer version. Beginning Ghost After the setup phase after which the Ghost will begin its hunting phase. During this phase, the Ghost will be visible to all players and will begin to move around the map, killing anyone it comes across. In the closets, rooms, or behind furniture to avoid this dangerous part of the game. The Ghost will only kill players that are in its line of sight Therefore, it is essential to remain hidden at all times. Select “Droplet” from the DigitalOcean Marketplace and select a plan (the most affordable is sufficient for the time being). Note the public IP address of the droplet after it's been created. This is the IP address that you will require to connect to via SSH. Once you have your server set up, you can begin to build the blog pages and posts for your Ghost blog. You can pick from a number of free themes and premium ones too. The platform also supports a range of integrations like Google Analytics, Zapier, MailChimp and many more. It uses Markdown instead of visual WYSIWYG editing that lets you concentrate on writing and not design. This makes it a great option for blogs, magazines and portfolio sites.